ALERT |  Please note that there is a boil water advisory for Venosta sector. 
Thank you for your cooperation!

Resident services
Public Safety and Fire Department

Fire Department

The Township of Low Fire Department has among its ranks 24 dedicated, professional volunteer firefighters who are ready to go into action 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Also, Low has concluded mutual aid agreements with the municipalities of Kazabazua, Lac Ste-Marie, Denholm and La Pêche, to maximize the strike force during interventions.

The service is equipped with three intervention vehicles:

  • a pumper truck
  • a command post equipped with extrication tools
  • a tanker truck

The fire station is located at 7, Principal rd.

The fire department offers the following services:

  • Fights fires;
  • First responders level 3;
  • Performs forest rescues;
  • Fights forest fires;
  • Ensures environmental protection;
  • Performs fire prevention inspections;
  • Organizes awareness activities on fire prevention and
  • Intervenes during road accidents.

To obtain more information on the fire services of the Township of Low, we invite you to contact directly:

Michel Lemieux, Director of the fire safety service

Fire station
7, Principal Road
Low, (Quebec), J0X 2C0

Call - 819-422-3528

In case of emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

Here are different prevention tips:

Public security

The Sûreté du Québec, national police force, contributes throughout Québec to the maintenance of peace and public order, the preservation of life, security and fundamental rights of people as well as the protection of their property.

The Sûreté du Québec also supports the police community, coordinates large-scale police operations, contributes to the integrity of state institutions and ensures the security of transportation networks that fall under Québec's jurisdiction. The Sûreté du Québec is committed to offering professional services with respect for citizens and respecting the highest standards of integrity.

The Sûreté du Québec station of the Gatineau Valley MRC covers the Municipalities of Low, Denholm, Lac Sainte-Marie, Kazabazua, Gracefield, Lac Cayamant, Blue Sea, Messines, Bouchette, Maniwaki, Sainte-Thérese, Déléage , Aumond, Bois-Franc, Montcerf-Lytton and Grand-Remous.

Sûreté du Québec station of the MRC de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau

MRC Service Center 32-6333 (Maniwaki)

Outaouais - Laurentides region  

Position opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
General information:: 819-449-4333

Cell *4141

If you are the victim or witness of a criminal act (theft, mischief, assault, etc.) or an accident: 9-1-1 or 310-4141 Cell: *4141

To transmit information on illegal activities linked to organized crime such as murders, attacks, threats, intimidation, drug trafficking or cultivation:

Criminal information center 1 800 659-4264 (24 hours a day)

To report cases of sexual exploitation of children on the Internet:

Please see the police protection document to learn more.

List of firefighters


  • Lemieux, Michel - Director
  • Robert, Ghyslain - Deputy Director
  • Draper, Ryan - Captain
  • Rice, Maureen - Lieutenant
  • Rochon, Luc - LT-Interim
  • McGoey, Martin
  • Rice, Frank
  • Montague, Seamus
  • Charron, Richard
  • Lacelle, Stewart
  • Bellaar-Spruyt, Leaf
  • Rice-Hogan, Ellen
  • Mallory, Benjamin
  • Robert, Philip
  • Robert, Alex
  • Nadreau-Wilson, Véronique
  • Fitzpatrick, David
  • Townsend, Tommy
  • Schwartz, Jontae
  • Tilgner, Nicholas
  • Monette, Laura 
  • Malette, Théo 
  • Currie, Randy
  • Currie, Joey