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Municipal Life
Bill 96: Act respecting the official and common language of Quebec, French

Bill 96: Act respecting the official and common language of Quebec, French

The Municipality of the Township of Low is recognized by the Office as having a bilingual status (article 29.1). Organizations and establishments recognized under section 29.1 must ensure that their services to the public are available in the official language (section 23). They must write notices, communications and printed matter intended for the public in the official language. Organizations and establishments recognized under section 29.1 may use, when they write, both the official language and another language in their documents, their provision of services and the use of their technological means, in their name, their internal communications and their communications between them, as well as in the notices of meeting, the agendas and the minutes of their deliberative assemblies. They may also use this other language in their oral communications without having to use the official language at the same time, as long as they remain able to comply with Article 23 (Article 26). The organizations and establishments recognized under section 29.1 may draft, adopt and publish these acts both in French and in another language; in the event of a discrepancy, the French text of such an act takes precedence over that in another language (article 8).

To be recognized as a bilingual municipality, it must be represented by 50% + 1 English population, which is the case of the Municipality of Township of Low, which, according to the Statistics Canada census published in 2021, is 53.0% English-speaking population among its residents.